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Hottest Qualities of the World’s Most Successful DJs

With the onset of recent advances in technology, it is now easier and much more affordable for the average person to become a DJ. But just because one can afford a 160 GB iPod, a fancy Denon mixer and 450-Watt Mackie Speakers doesn’t mean they will book the most gigs.

Best Kept Secrets of Successful Wedding DJs

Becoming a DJ is easy, but becoming a successful wedding DJ with a long history of satisfied clients is quite an extraordinary feat. Nevertheless, there are strategies out there that can help any DJ on their path to success. Here are just a few of the best-kept secrets of the world’s most successful wedding DJs:

Learning to Play the Guitar – 7 Essential Tips for Beginners!

7 Essential Tips for all those considering learning to play the Guitar. From choosing the right instrument, seeking professional tuition and enjoying the on going experience.

All the Reasons Why Pop Music Is Usually More Effective and Cheaper Than a Lobotomy

There are five, count them five amazing reasons why you should reconsider that lobotomy you were planing and instead, solve your problems using PMT – ‘Pop Music Therapy’. 1. Decision making: A lobotomy removes your obligation to make decisions. A steady diet of pop music dissolves your ability to make decisions, usually by drowning that ability in a steady stream of drool collecting at the downhill corner of your mouth.

How To Teach Yourself Guitar From Home

Are you interested in learning to play the guitar from the comfort of your own home, but are not sure how you can go about doing so? Fear not, because I will be sharing with you how you can teach yourself guitar from home!

Sanjo – The Return of The Balladeer

After a hiatus of nearly two years, Sanjo resurfaced recently in Hyderabad to perform his ever-popular show: ‘The Songs of The Balladeer’. The performance marks Sanjo’s much awaited return to the live music circuit.

Choosing the Right Fit, Specs, and Quality in a Guitar

This article goes over the basics on making a decision on a new guitar or bass. It gives you the three top things to look at while searching for a new instrument.

A Few Things I Like About The Boss RC-50

In my opinion, a Boss RC-50 Loop Station is a type of musical instrument which must not be missing from the arsenal of any musician. Not only that it allows you to diversify your music and improve your musical expression by a lot, it’s also a very cool piece of hardware, a lot of fun to play with. Plus, it can be very handy for various other gigs than music, for example, you can accompany with one adding improvised sound effects while you’re doing a stand up comedy bit. So, here’s what I truly love about the Boss RC-50.

The Rise in Use of Loops and Samples Within EDM and Urban Music Production

In a relatively short space of time, the use of royalty free downloadable loops & sample packs within musical compositions by electronic music producers has become increasingly popular. In today’s world of electronic digital music, it is so much easier to get your music heard and to quickly develop a large fan base and community. Digital store outlets such as iTunes or Amazon and global media platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo make it more easy than it has ever been before to promote and market your music to a wide audience with every opportunity to become a rising star if you have the talent and your music is good of course.

Tips on How to Make Deep House Music

One of the most fundamental elements of any type of deep house music is the driving drum’s. The drum patterns tend to follow a 4/4 beat format and never really deviate from that other than minimal cuts and alterations throughout the arrangement. You can create your drums using various programs such as Ultrabeat, Drum Rack or Ableton Live. Personally I prefer to use a drum machine.

The Beatles Continue To Revolutionize Music

Each decade there comes radical changes in popular culture that define generations. The 70’s saw Disco, the 80’s saw the rise of hard rock and the 90’s saw Grunge. In the 60’s there was one band that defined the music of that decade.

Kiss Band Music Career and Their Flamboyant Stage Outfits

Kiss was a rock band, which was very difficult to forget. They were popularly known for their stage, performance and stage outfits. The band was established in 1972, in America. Most of their live performances featured smoking guitars and fire breathing. According to the band members, people who chose the makeup designs, for the group were ardent fans of the band. Stanley came up with the idea, that the band should be named Kiss.

John Lennon History and Music Career

John Lennon was a very important person in the Beatles band. His parents separated, when he was only, four years old and this forced him to stay with his Aunty. John’s father, used to work as a merchant and he never saw John often, when he was young. When John was very young, he used to be a trouble maker and he adored drawing cripples as well as figures.

Key Features of the Home Recording Studio

For anyone that is aspiring to become a musician or songwriter, the perfect room at home would be a self-contained music studio. In view of the wide range of music software applications, it is now certainly possible for a music enthusiast to install a well equipped at-home studio.

iTunes Rules: What You’re Really Agreeing to When You Download

Many readers remember a simpler time when music came on vinyl, tape or at least a compact disc. It was yours to use as you pleased, and it was yours to sell when you were finished with it or to pass along to the next generation when you left this earth. But along with the conveniences of the digital music age come some restrictions–restrictions that can be difficult to figure out.

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