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New Music To Listen To

Like new ideas, new music to listen to tends to be a little slow in coming along. This article offers a bit of a scathing look at why this is.

What Is Fusion Music?

This article examines fusion music, what it is with some examples from the past and present. It draws the conclusion that most all musical genres are, in fact, fusion of some kind or another.

One-Hit Wonders Whose Better Songs Remain Unnoticed

There are just over five months left in the year, leaving Gotye less than half a year now to complete the new album that was promised for 2015. The disc will be important for the popular artist not just for his immediate future, but also for his legacy. Since 2011, the year his “Somebody That I Used to Know” was ubiquitous, Gotye had released no new material.

How to Learn an Instrument

Learning an instrument. Have you ever wanted to just pick up an instrument and play it? Well, in this article you can learn how to go about it.

Was Beethoven Actually Deaf?

Was Beethoven’s deafness real, or a gimmick used to get his avante-garde music listened to? Would he have been successful if he weren’t deaf? Would a genius such as he allow his music to go unnoticed?

Music History – How Pop Music Originated

This article takes up the topic of how pop music, as it is generally understood originated in the U.S., tracing back its roots and influences. Pop music is generally associated with a ‘populist movement’ and these are not new. In fact populist movements can easily be traced back to ancient Rome and probably way further back than that. One of the more recent populist movements occurred in the sixteen hundreds or there about. There was also a ‘Free Love’ movement in Germany just prior to the Nazi take over.

A Brief History of New York’s Metropolitan Opera

The largest classical musical organization in North America, and perhaps the most recognizable “brand” throughout the music world, the Metropolitan Opera Association of New York (The Met) is considered one of the top venues for opera on the planet. In addition to offering live performances in its Lincoln Center facility in a season that stretches from late September through early May, the Met has found a worldwide audience thanks to its Met in HD cinema broadcasts, its weekly Saturday afternoon radio broadcasts, and the embracing of new media via the Web and satellite radio.

How Did Pop Music Start?

While there has always been pop music; music that is popular, many people associate the term with music sold commercially from around the nineteen fifties on. This article takes a look at the history of pop music.

A Changing Role For The Composer In Society

Centuries ago, composers were employed by the church and then the aristocracy. Slowly composers fought their way to being employed directly by their listeners. This article examines this change and what adds up to a changing role for the composer in society.

Will There Be New Original Music In The Future?

Every new music genre is hailed as new original music but how much of it is really new? This article gives an interesting look at new music in the western world from early on to present day.

A Brief History of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

The symphonic pride of The Netherlands is expressed in the form of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, a professional group of musicians based in Amsterdam and named expressly for the venue in which most of their performances take place, the city’s main “concert hall” (Dutch: concertgebouw). In 1988, the ensemble earned the right to affix the appellation “Royal” to its official name when awarded that honor by the country’s reigning monarch, Queen Beatrix.

Artists Whose Solo Albums Top Anything By Their Original Band

As if further proof were needed of the superiority of The Beatles, it is the only band whose members each went on to have very successful solo careers. John Lennon and Paul McCartney, the main songwriters, were obviously destined to continue to make hits after the breakup of the band, and George Harrison had already hinted at his penchant for penning a pop hit. Even drummer Ringo Starr, who had written just two of the band’s songs, saw consistent chart success in the 70s.

A Brief History of the Cleveland Orchestra

There could hardly be a less likely city than Cleveland [Ohio] to host one of the world’s foremost orchestras, but the Cleveland Orchestra continues to build on the reputation it earned decades ago as one of the “Big Five” in the United States. Along with the ensembles in New York, Boston, Chicago and Philadelphia, the Cleveland Orchestra remains a world-class musical organization.

Rhythm And Blues Guitar Solos – Duke Robillard Plays With Finesse!

Duke Robillard is a very talented, versatile guitarist! He is equally at home whether he is playing swing jazz or rhythm and blues.

Jazz Guitar Chord Melody Solos – Howard Roberts Played Beautifully!

Whether playing chord melody solos by himself or improvising to standards with a band, jazz guitarist Howard Roberts was one of the best players in history! He also wrote some excellent instructional books and taught many seminars during his career.

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