FINALLY! – A BEAUTIFUL Carbon Fiber Guitar I Can Afford…

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Mozart’s Don Giovanni: How Women Become More Important Than Men

Mozart’s choosing his three women in the opera, Don Giovanni illustrates his perception women should play in society. He was well before his time. Women were still expected to live dual lives. Women were passive in public. Mozart ‘s women lived lives full of controversy. Mozart showed his women to be intelligent, stronger and not dependent on men. Mozart filled Don Giovanni with symbolism and drama, an indication of how he lived his personal life.

Passion, Presence and Feel – Why You Need Them To Play Guitar Well

  Good guitar playing does not come without passion presence and feel. There are plenty of guitarists out there that are great technicians; they can play to a metronome and hit clean notes all day long. Often these types of guitarists find their way into the occasional studio recording or back up position in a band but rarely do they make lead or rhythm guitar players at the front of the stage.

How To Get Yourself Prepared For Basic Guitar Lessons

If you are thinking of taking up basic guitar lessons, but are not quite sure what you need to do to prepare for them, you need to read on. I would like to share with you three points to take note of when preparing for them.

Learn How to Play the Violin With Help From a Reliable Teacher

Violin has a certain charm that catches the attention and heart of the listeners. When you listen to a violin performance in a classic musical show or a pop performance, you’ll certainly get awed with the sound and melody of the instrument. However, unlike the more popular stringed instrument guitar, violin is quite difficult to play. One needs focus and passion to be able to strike a very good rhythm out of the musical instrument. This is one reason why it is best to learn the instrument while you are young. A talented and patient teacher is a great help for a child to master the musical instrument. However, it does not mean that once you are an adult it would be difficult for you to learn how to play violin.

Hunter Hayes Lyrics Define New Country Music

Hunter Hayes has become a new voice in modern country music. His journey to the top started at a very young age and gained momentum with help from YouTube and Hank Williams Jr.

Musicians! Beware of Being a Social Media Slave

The internet has definitely changed everything. The way companies sell their products, the way people communicate, and the way musicians can market themselves. Everything is faster and easier with social media. The irony about social media and the internet is that it’s supposed to save you time, but in the end it takes up more time than ever to just get the word out about what you’re doing.

Top Ten WORST Christmas Songs

There are many good Christmas carols but a whole lot of really bad Christmas songs. My Top Ten Worst Christmas Songs ends with a review of why “Santa Clause is Coming to Town” is the worst one of all.

It’s Time For Baby Grand Pianos

For those of us who find pianos an expensive and huge (in terms of size) affair, baby grand pianos are the answer. They are the perfect size for that corner of your house where you have nothing interesting and could do with a little, musical, change. They are very easy and accommodating instruments to own in such small spaces because they are small. It is generally found in small living rooms and can also be found in musicians’ studios.

The Importance of Online Music PR for EDM and Urban Music Artists

In today’s world it seems that everyone wants to be a singer, rapper, producer etc, the list goes on and on, but it has not always been something that has been achievable to the masses due to restriction such as finding a label that will sign you, and once finding a label, getting a contract that allows the artist to have the creative control they desire. However for a while now the music industry has started to evolve, making the once impossible very possible and its down to two key things, the uprising of the independent record label and the birth of web 2.0, it is now possible for everyone to musician or record label owner.

7 Tips to Get Back to Guitar Playing

We all have our reasons to pick up our first instrument (In most cases it is to impress chicks!!) and we also have reasons to drop it or rather, I should say excuses to drop it. If you are reading this article, it probably means that it’s been a while since you’ve touched a guitar. Why else would you be here??

The History of Jazz in Cuba – Part I

Cuba is largely considered to be one of the birthplaces of jazz music, which has roots in multiple countries. Jazz in Cuba dates back as far as the late 1800’s, when it was just emerging as a sort of unique and experimental form of music rather than a defined genre. In the 1920’s, and 1929 to be specific, however, Cuba’s first jazz band formed and the music began establishing a presence that continues to this day.

The History of Jazz in Cuba – Part II

The 1940’s also saw the emergence of artists and bands such as The Brothers Lebatard and the Palau Brothers, as well as Casino de la Playa, a famed band that included not only the talented vocals of Orlando Guerra, but the piano stylings of The King of the Mambo himself, Damaso Perez Prado. By the 1950’s, Las Vegas had taken over the scene in the United States, and the US mafia in Havana was working hard to recreate this. Show business emerged as a primary industry, and hotels and nightclubs like The Tropicana were ready to put jazz…

4 Important Tips On How To Promote Your Music

I truly believe that internet has changed the game for musicians and I want to be one of those musicians that knows how to use the internet to help promote my music. I’ve been reading articles, watching videos, taking notes and buying different programs to try out. Here are just some points that I’ve learned along the way. Hopefully these tips will help you with your album promotion, those who want to promote a band, or for those who just want to get your songs heard.

Is It Difficult To Learn Violin?

Someone who is considering learning violin might ask, is it hard to learn violin? The answer is really “no”. With a desire to learn and good instruction you can learn to play violin and it won’t really take forever. Sometimes people don’t follow their dreams because something might seem way too complicated or even potentially too long of a learning experience. Don’t fall into that trap if you really want to play violin!

Where Did Christmas Carols Come From?

Christmas Carols are now an immensely popular tradition and are sung year in and year out at Christmas time and when you are out and about trying to get your annual Christmas shopping done, it is hard not to hear the timeless traditional carols that are continually playing in one the many busy department stores! You will also find that both…

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