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Piano Repair: Finding Professionals To Repair Your Piano

If you’re like many Americans who own a piano, then the odds are that your instrument is used, and not new. In fact, most pianos owned by families in this country are several decades old upright or spinet pianos, which are great investment if they are properly maintained and repaired. Even if you think your piano sounds great now, you might be surprised at how much better it can be if you find the right piano repair technician to refurbish your investment.

Piano Tuning: How To Find The Best Piano Tuner In Your Area

Piano tuning is vital if you want to keep your instrument performing and sounding its best, but not a lot of piano owners realize how important it is to make sure their investment is properly tuned and cared for as the years progress. The average person who buys a piano actually purchases a used one, not new, since it’s such a big investment to make.

How To Sing High Notes Perfectly

Singing technique is so crucial when it comes down to learn how to sing high notes perfectly. And in order for someone to hit high notes perfectly. You have to have a good foundation. Here, I give you a few singing tips to sing high notes perfectly and set a good foundation for your voice.

5 Main Factors To Consider in Choosing Acoustic Guitar Strings

Things To Consider in Choosing Acoustic Guitar Strings Obtaining the best sound from a certain acoustic guitar is a blend of gear, skills, strategy and practice. Picking proper acoustic strings is essential to overall quality and time invested is paid by excellence of sound.

How to Start Teaching Piano Lessons From Home

If you plan to start teaching piano lessons from home, you have to make sure that you have all the resources you need to make it work. Check your home studio and see if you can take in students on a regular basis. You might want to position your piano and studio away from your family’s sleeping quarters.

5 Jazz Music Artists That Helped Define Jazz

An article discussing 5 of the greatest jazz music artists who have ever recorded. Brief life and death bios, and popular works.

Piano Lessons For Children – Finding the Ideal Kid’s Piano Lessons

Do you know that children who play musical instruments usually perform better in class? A lot of parents want their kids to learn to play a musical instrument and the piano is often a preferred option.

A Guide to DTxpress Yamaha Electronic Drum Sets

Looking for a new drum set? Read this guide to the Yamaha DTxpress range.

Button Accordions Make Great Musical Gifts, But How Do They Work?

The accordion belongs to the Reed family of instruments and is bellows driven. The button accordion works by pressing a set of buttons whilst the user opens and constricts the instrument. This thus replaces the traditional key-type accordion. There are both chromatic and diatonic types of accordion.

Classic Jazz Radio – Jazz Improvisation

Do you know what jazz improvisation is? You will when you read and use this article.

Madonna – One of the Most Successful Female Artists

It is almost hard to believe that Madonna is over 50 years old. As we still remember this new eccentric new singer in the early 1980’s with strange new looks and video clips like none other female singer had done before her.

The Lady Gaga Phenomenon

The Lady Gaga phenomenon is something to reckon with. Whether you like here or not, Lady Gaga is today one of the most successful singers on the planet. Why is that?

What a Yamaha Electronic Drum Kit Can Offer You

Want a new drum kit? Read this article to see what Yamaha electronic drum kits can offer you.

How Important Is Music To People?

Music, it’s just one of those things isn’t it. Every one listens to it at some point, many listen to it every day.

How to Get a Yamaha P85 Keyboard on Sale

Imagine you, your family and friends having a great time gathered around the keyboard. You could have a lot of fun playing your favorite music and even having a sing-song like in the olden days! Of course, you don’t have to be the one using the keyboard – it could be any member of the family. The Yamaha p85 is ideal for both beginners and experienced players.

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