Iconic Venues – King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Glasgow! Rocked By Oasis & Muse To Rage Against The Machine!

Guitar Tricks Free Trial

Do You Have Enough Discipline To Be A Musician?

Life is full of challenges. One of the most compelling ones that hits us quite early is developing the necessary self discipline to cope. Are you convinced that you have found the secret?

How To Get More From Your Acoustic Guitar Tuner

When I first started playing the guitar I had been completely against using an acoustic guitar tuner. This was on the basis that I could use my ears to learn pitch. It could also have been because I had no money, but that is another story. However, what I discovered was that I was far more interested in playing and attempting to write songs rather than the actual mechanics of theory. Many of you will see where I am coming from with this and have either purchased or are in the process of purchasing a guitar tuner as opposed to trying to learn by ear.

How To Record An Acoustic Guitar for an Ensemble

This article will address the recording of acoustic guitar in an ensemble setting live or as an overdub. There are several different ways of recording an acoustic guitar and you will learn some basic techniques here.

Rockabilly Musicians Didn’t Have Multi-Track Recording Techniques To Make Their Great Music

These days if bands and musicians don’t use multi-track recording techniques to record their music, they’d be pegged as unusual. It’s completely normal for today’s musicians to use 8, 16, 24, 48, and even more tracks to build layer upon layer of music that makes up their recordings. This can make the recording process quite complicated and results in a distinct type of recording feel. The early rockabilly pioneers didn’t record like that.

The Rock Beat Effect – Some Interesting Research Regarding the Roots of Rock and Roll

The rock beat has been the focus of exciting music, musical research, and some controversy over the years since we first heard the term rock-n-roll. This is a look at some interesting things about that beat and its origins.

The Smithsonian Honors The Original All-Female Jazz Group

The 6 remaining members of the International Sweethearts of Rhythm were invited to the Smithsonian to be celebrated for their achievements and recognized for forming the first ever all-female jazz band back in 1937. Made up of a number of girls from multiple ethnic backgrounds between the ages of 14 and 19, all hailing from Piney Woods Country Life School in Piney Woods, Mississippi, the ensemble was formed to assist them in paying their tuition.

How to Get Paid Gigs

Does your town/city have a big upcoming performance or concert? Well approach the promoters of the show to get yourself on the line to open for their top performer, this not only gives you more exposure but also helps to make yourself available as a contact of theirs for any of their future shows. Also, try to open for artists that have a similar music style to yours, this way you may be able to pull some new fans from the main act’s fan base!

Rockabilly Musicians From The 1950’s Served As Guides For Future Rock and Rollers

It’s difficult to describe just how influential the early rockabilly pioneers were on the musicians that came after them. These musicians were breaking brand new ground in the 1950’s and making up the rules of rock and roll as they were going along. And although they’ve been all but forgotten by the majority of modern music fans–and even modern rock musicians–their influence simply cannot be denied.

Blue Suede Shoes Is Pure Gold Spun By Rockabilly Legend Carl Perkins

Everyone’s heard it. Most of us can sing along with it word for word. It’s rare to see a live oldies band that doesn’t cover it. It seems like I’ve never been to a wedding reception dance where they didn’t play it. The song “Blue Suede Shoes” is without a doubt one of the most influential rock and roll songs of all time.

Rockabilly Took a Short Pause During the 1960’s And Early 70’s And Then Came Back Strong

The original rockabilly music wave really didn’t last that long. The genre exploded to the top of the charts after Elvis hit the scene in 1954. By 1956 the charts were burning with great rockabilly songs. 57 and 58 saw some wonderful rockabilly activity, but things where definitely starting to change by 59. By 1960, rockabilly had pretty much waned and rockabilly artists had either faded from the business or moved on to a more developed style of rock. But that wasn’t the end of the rockabilly story.

How to Overcome Songwriter’s Block When Writing Song Lyrics – Object Writing

Writing new material – object writing for songwriters. When writing songs, any angle will do as a starting point. One method I sometimes use is OBJECT WRITING. Although it works best as a daily habit, it requires discipline to get at it every single day…

Getting Your Music Sponsored

So you want to go on tour, but you don’t have the cash or the resources to put on the stellar performance you know you are capable of? Well consider getting sponsored, so someone else can foot the bill while you concentrate on what’s most important – the music.

What You Should Consider When Choosing Your First Guitar

If you’ve committed to following guitar tutorials, what is that made you want to? Do you have spare time on your hands and want to take up a new hobby? Have you got friends who play in a band and they are looking for new members? Or maybe you found an old guitar sitting around the house and thought it was about time you learned how to play it. If this is the case, is it going to be up to your requirements – can you learn on just any old guitar?

Better Care of the Voice for Singing

Maintaining your voice is one of the most primary things for you to do when you are a trained singer or even when you are learning how to sing. The vocal chords are the most essential things to maintain when you want to sing efficiently. Remember the tips provided so that you can conserve your vocals and keep it strong.

From DJ to Performer: A Guide to Becoming a Great DJ And a Great Performer

What is it that separates the great DJs and extraordinary DJs and performers from the more mundane and ordinary DJs and performers? Is it raw talent? A strong drive and passion for success? Or is there something more to it? While the science of deejaying and the tools of the DJ have evolved significantly in the past decade the artistic expression of the individual DJ and how they decide to use the tools in their DJ arsenal still remain as one of the most significant factors in the overall strength of their performance. Ultimately it is their ability to artfully manipulate music that will elevate the great DJs from the rest of the pack.

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