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How To Play Anything You Want With The Guitar Using 3 Effective Guitar Practice Steps

Have you ever spent weeks, months or even years practicing something on guitar (such as technique, soloing or a specific song) only to reach a plateau and make little or no progress? Then you probably feel very disappointed and have occasionally questioned your ability to ever play guitar how you want.

Sounds That Heal

“We know that every particle in the physical universe takes its characteristics from the pitch and pattern and overtones of its particular frequencies, its singing. Before we make music, music makes us.” – Joachim-Ernst Berendt, The World is Sound Music is the essence of our universe.

Fractals, Set Theory, and Guitar

Hopefully I’ve caught your attention with my article title. I think if you get out the metaphorical eraser and make some space in your attentive brain cells, you might really come away with some valuable information. You will have some new approaches to try in your musical exploration. I am a guitarist and I think this material applies really well to the physical layout of the guitar, but it can be used for other instruments as well.

5 Tips For Setting Up a Home Audio Recording Studio

Recording Studio Setup Tips – First make sure the room sounds good. Use software to measure the room and apply the appropriate acoustic treatment. Research like crazy! Visit message boards and view equipment shootouts on the internet. Learn the fundamentals of recording and get experienced with your equipment. Then record.

Going Beyond Your Limitations

This week’s article is going to focus on limitation exercises and how they can in fact, be quite the opposite of limiting. I’ll explain the technique to you and give you some great examples and ideas to get yourself started.

The Best Car Stereo Systems You Can Buy

So you’re looking for a new car stereo system? But just what should you go for? Here is a list of what you should be looking for.

The Importance of Music for Commercials

Television commercials have been around for many years, they are a way to captivate an audience and persuade them into a purchasing a specific product or service. Anyone can think of a commercial they remember and remember the tune that way played in the background, music for commercials is imperative to creating an emotional reaction within the viewers and getting them to pick up the phone or go online and make a purchase.

Deeper Meaning In Music Pt2

Like salt and pepper on our food, we also like a little mystery and intrigue thrown into our lives from time to time. You can look for it anywhere, even in music. Of course whether you actually find something of substance is another matter, but the journey is what’s fun anyway.

The Best Mixing Tool You Already Own

This ordinary mixing tool that you already own can make your mixes sound more professional in minutes. Learn how to use it to your advantage!

The Piano and Child’s IQ

There have been countless studies done, such as those done at the University of Toronto and the University of Wisconsin, that indicate that playing the piano enhances the IQ of children. The premise of these groundbreaking studies is that children have higher levels of plasticity in their brain, which comes along with learning and developing, and playing the piano stimulates the brain, making it stronger.

Jennifer Nettles: Singer, Sugarland, Bon Jovi, John Legend, Charity Work, and An Awesome Mother!

In this lady singer’s career you will see her many accomplishments. She has had major success with the band Sugarland in that they had won several Grammy’s and Country Music Association awards. The Grammy included collaboration singing with Bon Jovi for “Who Says You Can’t Go Home” and the Country Music Association award several times for Best Vocal Group. You’ll learn about an awesome jam performance with Lady Gaga on a Grammy nominations show. And no article would be complete without a discussion of her singing most of the time during her pregnancy.

Buying Guitar Picks in Bulk and Having a Cool Box Is a Good Practice for Guitar Players

Picks are the kind of music accessory you have to buy again and again. Picks get lost, broken, or you want to try something else. You want one in this room, one in that, one in this size, or maybe that size would be better. Buying them in bulk with a good sized box can solve this problem.

Practice Guitar Without a Guitar – How to Practice Anywhere

Practising the guitar when you do not have a guitar available may become your biggest asset and sky-rocket your progression as a musician. We all have very busy lives in this modern age with many commitments on our time and finding a spare moment to pick up the guitar can be difficult, but it doesn’t necessarily mean your practice and progression needs to suffer. In the following article I will share a few of the tips I’ve picked up over the years to keep you ahead of your game even when your guitar is not to hand.

Instrumental Technique – Do I Really Need To Know How To Shred?

Contemporary musicians often find themselves incredibly involved with developing technical proficiency on their instrument of choice, but will this endless pursuit for speed and accuracy leave you treading water or be the path to musical freedom? So, as the title questions; do you really need to know how to ‘shred’? Yes.

Best Thing About the End of Summer: Great August Albums From The Beatles to Gotye

As summer departs, vacations end, and days get shorter, August does not provide much reason for joy. However, music fans are delighted each year when the eighth month produces some of the best albums of the year.

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