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Top Ideas for Music School Trips

Music school trips can help raise the awareness of different musical traditions. Here are some excellent ideas for itineraries.

Album Review: J. Cole – Born Sinner

The youthful tour-de-force that is J. Cole made a bold move when announcing that he would be releasing his sophomore album Born Sinner on the same day as seasoned heavyweight Kanye West with Yeezus. Well that day is upon us, and it is a day which has made me wonder yet again if the whole “darker = better” aesthetic is merely becoming the hegemonic formula for the arts, as it’s been working similar wonders for Hip Hop as it did for Christopher Nolan’s ‘Batman’ reboot. Born Sinner is no exception.

Why Do Artist Choose To Buy Rap Beats Online?

Plenty of upcoming and independent rap artists are flocking the internet to buy rap beats or instrumentals. The internet is an awesome medium through which artists can access quality beats at the click of the button. Buying rap beats online is therefore a very attractive option for artists who are trying to establish themselves in the music industry. Not only are quality beats easy to access, they are also very affordable compared to the one’s that you can acquire directly from a physical studio. In a nutshell, online beats is the easiest and most convenient way for any upcoming or indie artist to get his or her music out there.

Album Review: Quasimoto – Yessir Whatever

In 1949, Joseph Campbell wrote a book The Hero With a Thousand Faces, an account of heroic archetypal characters used in mythological stories and in turn applied to novels and films and eventually comic books and whatever. Madlib, as we have come to know him, is widely considered a hero to Hip Hop music (despite being one half of Madvillain); and he certainly gets close to having a thousand faces, with monikers like *inhaaale* Ahmad Miller, Beat Konducta, DJ Lord Such, DJ Rels, Duma Peterson, Eddie Prince Fusion Band, The Jahari Massamba Unit, The Jazzistics, Joe McDuphrey…

How to Make a Digital Recording Studio

Type of digital recording studio – In this case, of course, some of you already know that a digital recording studio is generally divided into two types, namely a digital home recording studio and professional digital recording studio. Electing to build a studio of one of the types mentioned above must be done in accordance with the needs/functions, and of course, adjusted to the funds you have. The purpose of the function is based on whether the studio will be used to record only, for recording and mixing, or for recording, mixing, and mastering.

Why Book Your Mobile Disco in Good Time?

How many times in life have you gone to book a service last minute and the answer you get is something like “sorry we are fully booked”, or “you have left it too late I’m afraid”. Well booking a mobile disco is no different to booking any other service. I will explain the problems and what sort of result you could potentially face by booking a mobile disco late.

Keep Your Political Views Out of My Music! The Demise of Protest Songs

An interesting observation about the voice of today’s generation through the use of music. In this week’s article we discuss the meaning and causes behind the lack of political commentary in today’s music as compared with that of more vocal generations past.

The Rappers

Music is a piece of art which everybody loves to listen since years and decades. The songs or the art people hear depends upon their mood and their choice for listening. There have been a number of entertainers entertaining us and a number of viewers getting entertained by these singers. No doubt, these entertainers are the stars of everyone’s lives since they achieve what interests us.

The Changing World Of Latin Jazz

Most people think they know what Latin Jazz sounds like, but things have changed. This article contains some of the latest Latin Jazz trends that are pushing the style in new directions.

Tips For Transcribing Music

Transcribing songs from a recording is a great way for brass players to learn new music. Studying another musician’s solo teaches you not just the notes they played but the style, articulation, phrasing, and many other musical goodies. The jazz education world uses transcription on a regular basis as part of a music curriculum. Starting a transcription can be a daunting task for a beginner. This article will outline a few tricks to make the process faster and easier.

Music Business Book Review: All You Need to Know About the Music Business

Music business books won’t guarantee your success. However, they will provide you with powerful knowledge. One of the best is All You Need to Know About the Music Business.

The Legend That Is The Audio Note Phono Cartridge

Even among audiophiles who are generally hardened to such things, Audio Note (or Audionote to some) is a company that is held in inordinately high esteem, to the point of what appears almost reverence. The company’s (actually, companies’, but we’ll come to that) products often achieve legendary status among enthusiasts, a status that appears bizarre to most ‘outsiders’ not familiar with the hallowed environment of the audio enthusiast.

Steve Vai Guitars – What Does He Use And Should You Use It Too?

Steve Vai guitars are famous, and very widely used. But are they something for you? Gear is something us guitar players love. We’re also constantly on the hunt for new stuff to buy. With this in mind I thought I’d write a short piece on what guitars Steve Vai uses, if they’re any good, and if you should maybe get one too.

Songwriting Tips: You Need the Songwriter’s Market

There are lots of resources for songwriting tips, but none as thorough as the 2013 Songwriter’s Market. Leap ahead with specific strategies for songwriting and getting it those songs through the gatekeepers.

Lenny Breau Guitarist in His Youth Was Like a Sponge

Lenny Breau Guitarist in his youth was like a sponge. He would go to Bob and ask him a question and Bob would do his best to answer it through the eyes of an experienced piano player. Bob was shocked how fast Lenny would catch on to things.

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